Kate Mitchell, attorney at law

Business Law

“Every business owner runs two business: (1) the service or product they sell; and (2) the management of the business itself.”

 – Kate Mitchell

When starting a business and then running a business, there are two quite different sets of decisions and tasks. First and foremost is the service, craft or product you provide which is the basis of your business. You know the craft or service and know you are very good at it. You are passionate about what you are selling and passionate about providing your client or customer your best.

Secondly and of equal importance is starting, growing and preserving the business itself. For a business to be successful, one must focus on important long-range decisions as well as the day-to-day.

Business Law

Kate has the skills and experience to provide you with excellent legal support and advice, both legal and practical. She calls on her experience as business owner in the construction industry and her current law business to advise you. Kate can assist you in the following aspects of your business:

  • Entity Formation, Structuring, and Asset Protection: what best suits your business, whether a Corporation, a Limited Liability Company, or a Limited Liability Partnership;
  • Election, interface and on-going reporting requirements with Massachusetts and IRS;
  • Business contracts with clients, customers, subcontractors, materials providers;
  • Construction contracts: review and advise of existing construction industry standard contracts; preparation of a contract for your business for use with home and building owners, employees, and subcontractors;
  • Independent contractor and employee issues: when you hire or retain someone, will they be an independent contractor or an employee and what repercussions ensue in either case;
  • Business acquisitions and sales: asset purchase agreements, stock purchase agreements, confidentiality agreements;
  • Buying and selling real estate;
  • Leasing;
  • Retirement planning and transfer of business to successor, such as a family member or employee; and
  • Business dissolution.

Kate will serve as your legal counsel and advisor ensuring you of the best entity choice and providing you solid well written contracts, asset protection and on-going sound pragmatic legal advice.

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